Although the files contain compressed data, you might require significant disk space if you create numerous workbooks that contain a very large amount Additional disk space is required to store data files. The 64-bit version of PowerPivot enables you to work with up to 4GB of data in memory, and the 32-bit version enables you to work with up to 2GB of data in memory.ġ00 MB disk space is required for the program files. PowerPivot supports files up to 2GB in size. The amount of RAM required will vary depending on Additional RAM is required for PowerPivot workbooks. An additional 33 MB is consumed when the first PivotTable is added to the worksheet. The add-in consumes approximately 25 MB of RAM. Hardware Requirements ComponentĢ to 4 GB of RAM.
The PowerPivot window opens over the Excel window. To verify that the add-in installed, open Excel, and then click the PowerPivot tab on the Excel ribbon. When installing Office, be sure to install Office Shared features. NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (already on Windows 7):